Episode 8: Recovery

The final episode of Previve culminates with Claudia undergoing a double-mastectomy and breast reconstruction.

5 Responses to “Episode 8: Recovery”

  1. October 10, 2011 at 11:29 pm

    Hey Claudia,

    Watching this episode reminded me of everything I went through…with the exception of the expansion as I had direct to implant. I watched this while my husband was in the room, and he remembers emptying my drains for me. I found it sooo gross to!! He was such a help emptying those drains for me, and even cleaning my incisions, changing bandages.
    I also hated those drains, they truly were the most discomfort of it all for me. When they pulled those drains out it felt sooo weird, and the one side burned. Watching them pull them out of you just gave me shivers, and reminded me of how it felt haha. My husband said “I watched when they did that to you” yuck! lol
    I also feel the same way as you in that.. it is and was such a relief to not have the thought of breast cancer cross my mind anymore. I also felt that I loved my new body in a bathing suit soo much more too! haha.
    I am soo happy all went well, and you look fabulous!! Can you believe it is coming up to a year for you now???
    I am a year and a half since now!! Crazy how time flies, and I honestly forget that I even had foobs! haha. They are a part of me now!
    Anyways, thanks for sharing your journey. You are an inspiration to many young women!

  2. October 12, 2011 at 5:30 am

    oh claudia! what a celebration. i remember you asking me last year if you would ever get your thoughts back. would breast cancer even NOT be on your mind. i cried listening to you talk about the day you realized it was 5pm and you had not thought about breast cancer.

    thx so much for sharing your journey in such a unique way. you look absolutely fantastic!!! yes, we definitely upgraded;) this year was the best i looked in a swim suit as well. we deserve that boost in confidence after everything we’ve gone through.

    your true bosom buddy;)

  3. October 27, 2011 at 9:06 pm

    Claudia, you are soooo beautiful–inside and out! You look FABULOUS!!! THank you for everything you have done to share your story and inspire others.

  4. November 25, 2011 at 10:19 am

    First of all, you are AWESOME!

    You serve not only as an inspiration for us, but also for the whole world! And clearly, that’s not an exaggeration. Women should indeed be treated as they really are, beautiful from the inside and out.

    If you feel down or not pretty, just always remember Bruno Mars’ song, “Just the Way you Are”.

  5. February 16, 2012 at 7:43 am

    Thank you for posting your story – what an inspiration!
    I am 29 and about to undergo a prophylactic double mastectomy with alloderm reconstruction. Reading and watching about your experience has really helped give me a better understanding of what to expect.
    I really admire your courage for putting your story out there and sharing it with the world. I hope lots of other young women are inspired to share their stories too – I know I am!
    You look fabulous!

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