The final episode of Previve culminates with Claudia undergoing a double-mastectomy and breast reconstruction.
The final episode of Previve culminates with Claudia undergoing a double-mastectomy and breast reconstruction.
Claudia enjoys the holidays with family and friends and begins the countdown to her mastectomy.
As Claudia’s story begins to spread, she must come to terms with increased attention and publicity.
While in LA, Claudia meets fellow Previvor Rebecca for the first time.
In preparation for her surgery, Claudia travels to Los Angeles to visit with old friends and to capture her natural form.
Before Claudia can undergo her prophylactic double mastectomy she must first make sure her breasts are cancer-free. Watch as she undergoes a mammogram and MRI. She is joined by a new friend and sweetheart.
Follow Claudia as she meets with breast and plastic surgeons at Georgetown University Hospital in preparation of her prophylactic double mastectomy.
Prologue – Meet Claudia in our first webisode as she takes us through a day in her life and discusses living with the BRCA mutation.
A glimpse into Claudia’s life and what’s to come.